

I'm so glad you've stopped by! In June 2010 I left a great job to be a stay-at-home momma to my three sweeties. Join me as I explore the joys and sorrows of leaving work, staying home with the little people who matter most, as well as the trials of living on one income, marriage, life, and living by faith. I'm learning so much about myself, my husband, and my kids by writing here and I hope to continue learning to sing praises to the One who gave me this blessed life!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Psalm 121 (NIV)
A song of ascents.

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand; 6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; 8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Isn't God amazing?
It seems as though I just think of something I may need--immediately, or in the near future--and the Lord provides it to me. Everything from clothes for my daughter, to a couple sacks of potatoes left anonymously on my front porch. Of course, I pray for provision and to supply for my family, but more often than not, stuff just comes my way.
I got a call last night from a relative who has been handing down her daughter's old clothes for my daughter, and has also put some aside for my little boy for when he gets bigger. Plus, she has a barely-used play pen she wants to give us. Amazing! I was going to loan out a bassinet we got when our daughter was born--I may as well just give it away, because this playpen has a bassinet attachment, too!
Another friend gave me three HUGE boxes of little girl clothes recently, and I got a good lesson in letting go . . .
I'd spied some things that I'd wanted to save "just in case" we found out we were having a girl (even though I knew this one was a boy from the moment I had that positive pregnancy test). So, I shared some clothes with my sister-in-law, and she took some for a friend. Then I went through the bins again, and decided to call another friend to see if she wanted any clothes--she had just been going through her daughter's drawers, wondering where they were going to get money to buy more stuff for their little girl. Prayers answered for them!
She came over the next Sunday and poked through the bins. All sorts of cute little outfits I had wanted were being put into her pile, and she was taking some other stuff for a friend of her's that I'd never met . . . and I was getting jealous. I had wanted that one knit hat, and I had wanted that one dress. I pouted internally for a few days when I finally realized--the generosity of one friend had blessed five other families. Now, imagine if I had hoarded everything away for myself. That would have been real nice, wouldn't it? Knowing others needed clothes for their kids and I stashed away a bunch for myself. And for what purpose? To molder in a closet somewhere, or get musty in the basement? I certainly wasn't going to wear them!
Well, like I said, it took me a few days, but I got over it. Now, I'm kind of excited because the stuff left over in the bins is all too small for my little girl, but a friend of mine (due two days after me) just learned that she's having a girl! And she wants to do a trade--my girl stuff for the things her little boy has outgrown.
One person cleaning out closets blessed SIX families. That's multiplication I can appreciate! And I'd thought about keeping all that stuff . . .

My prayer today: Lord, help me to remember others on my journey, and throughout my day. Help me to fill the needs I see, however I can, and to remember that my treasure is in heaven. Thank you again and again for your provision. Amen

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