

I'm so glad you've stopped by! In June 2010 I left a great job to be a stay-at-home momma to my three sweeties. Join me as I explore the joys and sorrows of leaving work, staying home with the little people who matter most, as well as the trials of living on one income, marriage, life, and living by faith. I'm learning so much about myself, my husband, and my kids by writing here and I hope to continue learning to sing praises to the One who gave me this blessed life!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The FIRST annual Boy Mom BlogHop!

Mothers of Boys

Helloooo there ladies of The M.O.B. Society!  Welcome to this little corner of my world.

Until recently this little blog o' mine has been more of a diary for me than anything, so forgive the newbie-ness.  I've been a SAHM for just over a year now, and I'm still trying to get it together.  Hopefully connecting with some of you ladies will help! 

My oldest, my girly-girl, is 5 years old, and I have two extremely busy little dudes, who are 2 1/2 and 9 months old.  Oh, do those boys keep me on my toes!  Since they're so little and I'm still trying to puzzle out being a boy mom, I wonder if any other boy moms out there ponder these types of questions:

  • Where did the facination with trucks and trains (and anything with wheels) comes from?
  • WHAT is UP with the crazy gastric noises? My dudes are little, but have full-on man burps. Seriously.
  • And the question I don't think I'll ever answer:  why, when you're about to have photos taken, do they get some sort of scratch/bump/bruise on their face?
I don't get boys yet.  But they sure are a lot of fun  :-)

In the last two years our family has gone through some major changes, I've dealt with depression, had a baby, moved, left a job I loved . . . yeah.  There's a lot going on here!  I'm sure lots of you can relate. 

I recently started reading Notes To Aspiring Writers (<---please read this ASAP!) and have determined to write for that all-important "audience of one," my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I have nothing worthy to offer to my God but my honest praise. 

Psalm 27:5-7 (NASB)
For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle;
In the secret place of His tent He will hide me;
He will lift me up on a rock.
And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me,
And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy;
I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.
Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice,
And be gracious to me and answer me.

After all, didn't Jesus say that if men ceased to praise Him, the very stones would cry out?  
So that's my new goal here:  to daily sing the Lord's praise, to worship Him with thanksgiving, to find the music in the everyday.  When the days are bright, sunshiny, and full of fun, I need to praise God.  Even when the days are hard and it feels like my tears won't stop; even when there's a bad cut that needs stitches; even when I'm too tired to play blocks, or read that Thomas the Tank Engine book again; I need to praise Him. 
Will you join me in the choir?


Welcome to the First Annual Boy Mom BlogHop hosted by The M.O.B. Society.  How does it work? Glad you asked!

1.Write up a welcome post on your blog
2.Include information about you and what your blog is about
3.Tell us about your boys (age, how many, etc)
4.Share anything you think other boy moms need to know about you (ministries, businesses, etc)
5.Share a few of your sons’ favorite books and tell us the age group they’re best-suited for
6.Visit the MOB Society blog on July 28th and link-up your blog to the hop (use the post’s permalink)
7.Commit to visiting as many other blogs in the hop as you possibly can to make new friends, say “hi” and encourage one another in the Lord.


aka eyecorn said...

Love your questions! I have an 18 year old and let me tell you, they will ALWAYS make faces at the camera. Seriously! We were at a wedding in June and my son proceeded to cross his eyes or wrinkle his face in every photo with his sister. There I was trying to get a nice photo of them dressed up. And he's still fascinated with wheeled things--now it's his car. Yup, same with the gastric noises--are they trying to talk and burp yet?

Enjoy the years of all their boyness! I have a girl, too.

Thanks for participating--it was a delight to visit your blog!

Jamie Oliver (@va_grown) said...

Stopping by from MOB Society--So nice to meet you! Boys are a whole new world, aren't they?!

My heart goes out to you being busy, pregnant and struggling with depression. I've been there too. But you've pointed your heart in the right direction when you pointed it to God. Thoughts and prayers!

Look forward to reading more of your blog!

Anonymous said...

I was just reading your blog and it popped up that you'd commented on mine: great minds, huh? :-)

Ummm... in answer to all your questions: it's called Boy Cooties. That's what turns sweet, innocent little male babies into truck 'driving', gas loving, wall climbing, bumper-car-bicycle riding, busting-their-heads-open-constantly BOYS!! LOL! Aren't they fun?

I used to apologize for the boys always having a scrap or a bruise in pictures, but then I realized that they get from being the brave, adventurous little souls God designed them to be and so now I just laugh and say "He's such a boy!"

Anyway, it's lovely to meet you! I'm sure I'll be 'seeing' you around!

Allyson said...

Hello to another Allie! :-) Stoppin' in from the hop. Loved reading your post. I can tell you're passionate about worshipping our Lord...couldn't help but think of FFH's song "I'll Join the Rocks". It's an older song, but one of my all time favs. Keep on singin' and praisin' His Name!!

Divas said...

Visiting from the mob blog hop.
Loved your have a gift for words :)
We'll join you in that choir!

April said...

My boy has bruises everywhere and never knows where they come from. I don't think I'll ever understand boys, but I love mine.

Jamie said...

I always wonder WHERE and HOW my son always gets bruises from,U would think he was in a fight all the time.We went to check on our friends dog today(we r dog sitting)and he rode the bike and fell in the gravel and looked at me instantly and said IM OK!!!!

Boys and Bruises=a boys life
Hopping over from the MOB Hop

Liberty said...

I have 4 boys so I totally relate.

Liberty said...

I am from the hop. I have 4 boys. :)

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from MOB Society, love your site and love this blog hop! looking forward to getting to know you, come visit me!

The Petunia,

Joyful Mud Puddles said...

I'm visiting from the blog hop. YOur boys sound just like mine. My boys are 1 and 3 and are forever getting into something they shouldn't. My little one has been learning to walk and is all scratched up. Oh boy you are busy! come visit us

Julia Ladewski said...

it's crazy how boys LOVE trucks and dinosaurs and those things... or when it's time to take pictures, they don't want to smile anymore!!

stopping by from the blog hop!!

Modest Mama said...

So many things about being a MOB is fun and questionable!

Sarah said...

just stopping by from the MOB society! It is funny how the just have that love for cars and trucks and trains AND how they always have bruises... I do have a tip on that. I'm big on natural remedies and herbs... Arnicare Jell is GREAT on bruises! It really is amazing how fast it works and helps!
My little man is almost 4. I love getting to "meet" all you boy moms and have this on-line community of support!

Tonja said...

I am visiting from the Hop. I am the mom of 2 boys. Hope to get to know you better.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

LOVE that audience of one concept! I'm hopping over from MOB. It's great to meet you. I have four sons, and I assure you, all those crazy boy things just came built right in!

Come see me sometime!